What you MUST check before buying Hoodia:
Check the certificates:
Make certain you are buying Hoodia Gordonii, which is certified. Always ask your supplier, before the purchase, if he can provide certificates of authenticity. And make sure, these certificates are issued by an independent laboratory. Otherwise you might be buying Hoodia Gordonii, which is illegally harvested, badly processed or full of additives.
Check the origin:
Only buy Hoodia from the Kalahari in
Check the content:
The quality of the material within the plant is quite severe. The skin, which can account for up to 40 % of the weight of the plant, obviously, is lesser quality, than the actual flesh, or stem, of the cactus. Some suppliers process the whole plant, others only the flesh. Therefore, when buying Hoodia, make sure you buy Hoodia supplements, which are made only of the flesh not the whole plant.
Check the family:
When buying Hoodia, make sure you are buying Hoodia Gordonii. Hoodia is just the name for a group of plants, 13 different ones, to be precise. And out of this family, only Hoodia Gordonii, contains enough of the appetite suppressant. Many companies and many people are jumping the “Hoodia Bandwagon”. But the only “wagon” worth using is the Gordonii.
Check the Royalties:
The harvesting and selling of the Hoodia plant is strictly regulated and controlled. The royalties are going back to the San-People, the bushmen, which are using Hoodia Gordonii since ages and without which, we still would not know anything about the positive effects. So please make sure, when buying Hoodia Gordonii, that you buy official Hoodia Gordonii.
On a finishing note:
Hoodia Gordonii is certainly the number one appetite suppressant nowadays and one of the easiest to use diet supplements. If you follow the 6 easy checks, when buying Hoodia Gordonii, you will lose your overweight and start a new life.
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